Title: The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly
Author: Stephanie Oakes
Publisher: Dial/Penguin
Expected Publication Date: 9th June, 2015
Summary: The Kevinian cult has taken everything from seventeen-year-old Minnow: twelve years of her life, her family, her ability to trust.
And when she rebelled, they took away her hands, too.
Now their Prophet has been murdered and their camp set aflame, and it's clear that Minnow knows something—but she's not talking. As she languishes in juvenile detention, she struggles to un-learn everything she has been taught to believe, adjusting to a life behind bars and recounting the events that led up to her incarceration. But when an FBI detective approaches her about making a deal, Minnow sees she can have the freedom she always dreamed of—if she’s willing to part with the terrible secrets of her past.
Review: **Copy kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
Full disclosure: I cried. I cried a lot. I cried so much that I felt dehydrated and woozy afterwards. This book was probably the best book to happen to me so far this year, and it's only June.
I first discovered this book at the beginning of the year and I knew I had to get my hands on it as soon as it came out. I was very fortunate to receive a copy from Netgalley. I opened the book and read the first page as soon as I was approved - and then immediately had to close it because it was three in the morning and I needed to sleep. The first page played on my mind all of the next day before I could finally crack it open for real.
Minnow Bly had a voice that was as real and as raw as anything. I connected with her right off the bat and tore through the pages, devouring the story. The others around her - Angel, Jude, the Prophet, Constance etc - practically sprang off the page. Though most of this story was set in the juvenile detention centre, the story did not feel claustrophobic in the slightest.
I had to keep powering through this story. I needed to... and it never disappointed. The pace, the tone, the execution. This novel was absolutely perfect, and I highly recommend everyone giving it a try. Stephanie Oakes has done an amazing job on her debut novel.
Rating: 5/5 stars
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